You have many options for reviewing time card information before you approve or reject.
When you open a time card for review, e-timecard brings you to either the View Time Card tab or the View Summary tab, depending on your company's setup. You can click another tab to see a different view of the time card if you wish. Your choices are:
View Time Card—See the daily allocation of time to each job, exactly as entered by the employee, except in display-only format. You can always approve from this view.
View Summary—View the total of time card hours by job in the left section of the screen, and by pay code in the upper-right section. The lower-right section shows you totals for recognition pay and for the entire time card. If your company is set up to automatically display this view when you open a time card for review, then you can always approve from this view. If View Time Card automatically appears, then you must review the time card there or on the Edit Time Card or View Report screens before you can approve from the View Summary screen.
You can click to the left of a job in the left section to review or enter job instructions. Note that if the job already has attached instructions, then the icon to the left of it appears like this:
View Report—See an overview of the time card at the top of the screen, including hour totals for regular, premium, and the time card period, and comments entered for the entire time card. Then, you can see a list of all jobs charged to on the time card, including daily and period hour totals, followed by extra information and any comments entered for each job. You can always approve from this view.
Note:You can always reject a time card from all of the views noted above, as well as from the Edit Time Card screen.
You may also be able to review the following, additional information about the time card. You can click the buttons noted from any time card view described above.
Errors—If the employee left errors on the time card when saving or submitting, then you can click Errors to see a list of all errors on the time card.
Changes—If your company requires reason codes for time card changes, and if the employee has changes on the time card, then you can click Change History to see a list of all changes made to this time card, including: item, identified by line number and job number; user who made the change; date of the change; field changed; old (from) and new (to) values; the selected reason; and the explanation, if applicable.
Late entries—If your company requires reason codes for late time card entries, and if the employee has late entries on the time card, then you can click Late Entries to see a list of all late entries, including: line number and job number; time card date of the entry; date and time when the entry was made; number of hours for the entry; the selected reason; and the explanation, if applicable.
Late submit—If your company requires reason codes for submitting time cards late, and if the employee submitted the time card late, then you can click Late Submit to see a list of all late submit actions for the time card, including the date and time of the submit, the reason that the employee entered, and the explanation that s/he entered, if applicable.
Start/stop entries—If the employee is allowed to enter start/stop times, then you can click Start/Stop Time to see the clock in/clock out times that the employee entered, along with reason codes and explanations when applicable.
Comments—If the employee has entered any comments for a specific job, then the icon to the left of that job line appears like this: . If s/he entered comments for the entire time card, then the non-clickable icon above the comments icons for individual job lines appears like this:
. Click
to the left of a job line to view the employee's comments for that line, or click to the left of any line to view the employee's comments for the entire time card.