Submitting time cards

You can submit a time card for approval once you’ve entered all labor data for the period. When you submit a time card, you provide an “electronic signature” to certify that the hours you entered are correct.

To submit a time card

  1. On the Edit Time Card screen, click Submit Time Card.

An error message may appear when you submit if your hours are under or over the standard hours for your profile or if there is a problem with any of the data that you entered.

If one or more of your time card entries are late, then the Explain Late Entries screen may appear for you to explain your late entries. Ask your e-timecard administrator for details about what constitutes a late entry.

  1. The Submit Time Card screen appears, showing a summary of the time card hours and a list of all approvers.

  2. If the first approver field is editable, you can accept the e-timecard approver that defaults, or you can select a different, authorized approver. Your company setup determines whether you can select a new approver from the dropdown list or select Search to go to a separate screen to look up the approver.

    If you change the approver, then the new approver will appear as the default the next time that you submit. The other types of approvers that appear below, such as the head of your department, are never editable.

  3. If you are submitting your time card late, and your administrator's settings require you to provide an explanation for a late submit, complete the following steps. Ask your e-timecard administrator for details about what constitutes a late submit.

  1. Select the appropriate reason code from the dropdown list.

  2. If "(explain)" appears to the right of the reason code that you selected, then you must type an explanation of why you're submitting the time card late in the field to the right. Otherwise, the explanation is optional.

  1. If there is a field that asks you to sign your time card by entering your password, do so. This is the same password that you use to log into e-timecard.
    If you forgot your password, click Did you forget your password? and

  2. If your company has set you up as a self-approver, then a Self-approve time card check box appears. Click it to complete the approval cycle for your time card.

  3. Click the Log out check box if you want to log out of e-timecard immediately after you finish submitting.

  4. Click Continue to finish submitting your time card.

  5. e-timecard displays a message to confirm that you’ve submitted your time card for this period on the screen that follows:

Note: If you change your time card after you submit it, then you must resubmit the time card.