When you save or submit your time card, e-timecard validates data that you've entered. Included among the validations is whether the job or other code is active, or whether your entries match the standard hours for your profile.
If e-timecard finds errors, it places an icon to the left of each time card line or number of hours that has an error. A message at the top of the screen provides details of the first error on the time card. You can click the Errors button above the time card lines to review specific information about each error and how to correct it.
There are two types of errors. Your company’s setup determines the circumstances under which these different types of errors appear.
An icon to the left of the time card line or number of hours denotes a soft error. Soft errors do not prevent you from saving or submitting the time card. You can choose to leave the error, or you can change the entry.
Note: If you click Save or Submit Time Card and your time card has new soft errors since the last time that you saved or submitted, and only soft (not hard) errors, then the Confirm Time Card Errors screen appears with a list of the new soft errors. You can click Continue to leave the errors on your time card and proceed with the save or submit, or click Cancel to cancel saving or submitting and go back to the time card to correct one or more of the errors.
An icon to the left of the time card line or number of hours denotes a hard error that you must correct in order to save or submit the time card. Once you review all the hard error details, go back to the time card and change each entry with a hard error. Try saving or submitting again after you make the corrections.
The following instructions tell you how to view detailed information about all errors on your time card then correct the errors.
To respond to time card errors
Click Errors. The View Time Card Errors screen appears, showing first a list of all hard errors on your time card, then a list of soft errors.
Scroll through the errors to find out what you need to do to correct them.
If desired, click Print to print a hard copy of detailed error information for your time card.
After you finish reviewing the error messages, click Close to return to working on your time card.
Correct all hard errors on your time card. Correct soft errors as desired.
Save or submit the time card again. For any time card line where you corrected the error, the icon to the left of the line goes away, and e-timecard updates the list of errors on the View Time Card Errors screen.