Viewing archived time cards for approval or rejection

We call time cards that have been exported to your company's payroll system archived time cards. You can approve or reject these time cards if they were not fully approved before the export. The Approval View screen gives you the choice to display either all archived time cards, or archived time cards for specific statuses.

Hint: The Approval View screen gives you access to archived time cards that you still need to approve or reject. You go to a different screen to review archived time cards that are already fully approved.

Follow these steps to select the archived time cards that you wish to view for approval or rejection. Note that e-timecard does not remember your selections, so if you leave the Approval View screen then return to it during the same session, it will once again display only non-archived time cards pending your approval.

To view archived time cards for approval or rejection

  1. On the Approval View screen, in the Status(es) area, click the Archived check box.

  2. Do one of the following.

  1. Follow the appropriate steps for approving or rejecting the archived time cards that you retrieved.

Note: You cannot display both current and archived time cards at the same time. You can either leave the Archived box unchecked and check status boxes to retrieve time cards from the current tables, or you can check the Archived box and optionally check other status boxes to retrieve time cards from the archive tables.