Entering text or remarks

Your company setup may allow you to enter text or remarks for each line of your time card.

Your administrator's settings determine:

Note: The text/remarks field is not the same as the comments that you can enter for your time card.

The instructions that follow tell you how to enter text or remarks for all situations where it's available for entry on your time card.

To enter text or remarks for a time card line

  1. On the Edit Time Card screen, enter text in the Remarks (user-defined label) field. This can be either a specific text code, or up to 30 characters of open text, depending on your company setup.

  2. If your company setup mandates that you enter a specific text code in the Remarks field, then Look Up may appear to the right of the field. If it does appear and if you do need to look up the text code, click Look Up. The Look Up Remarks (user-defined label) screen appears.

  3. Enter one or more search criteria. Your choices are: remarks code, remarks description.

    You can enter partial information in a search field, such as S to retrieve all text codes that begin with the letter S, or %S to retrieve all text codes that contain the letter S. You can leave all search fields blank to retrieve all text codes.

  4. Click Search to retrieve text records that match the criteria you entered. The search results appear in the bottom section of the screen, which includes a count of the number of records found.

  5. If necessary, scroll to find the text code that you are looking for.

  6. When you find the text code you are looking for, click Select to the left of it. The Edit Time Card screen reappears with the text code that you selected added to the field.

Note that at any time while looking up a field, you can click Cancel to cancel your search, close the screen, and return to the Edit Time Card screen.