Entering recognition pay

If you are exempt, recognition pay is an option for you to enter hours on the time card greater than your standard hours. You receive recognition pay when your company compensates you for extra hours.

Note: As an alternative to recognition pay, your e-timecard administrator can opt to have you enter special pay codes.

To enter recognition pay

At the end of the time card period, enter the hours in the Recognition Pay (user-defined label) field on the time card.

Depending on your administrator's settings, e-timecard may validate that your entry does not exceed the difference between your standard hours for the period and your total hours for the period. For example, if your standard hours are 40, and you charge 60 hours for the period, then you cannot enter more than 20 recognition pay hours for that period.

If you receive an error message that says you’re not allowed to enter recognition pay, see your e-timecard administrator or payroll administrator.